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วันพุธที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

The Vampire from Hell Returns (The Vampire from Hell Part 4) - by Ally Thomas and Cora Graphics

Blood of the gods has brought a new dimension to Rayea’s life as the vampire from Hell. In the fourth installment of the Vampire from Hell series, Rayea juggles her new responsibilities and starting a relationship with her best friend, Blick. Soon Rayea realizes her sordid past with her family may be catching up with her, and she’s going to have to deal with it once and for all. When two of her friends go missing, she knows she must begin a search to find them. And the first place she has to look? Hell.Here's the fourth part of the Vampire from Hell series. The Vampire from Hell, a novella series, is being released in installments. Excerpts from two upcoming series by Ally Thomas, featuring werewolves, are also included.

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